ibcsVoice is middleware software that enables connection of pick-by-voice system with any warehouse system.
ibcsVoice solution, created by IBCS Poland on the basis of authorial ibcsDragon platform enables connecting pick-by-voice system with WMS system. The main task of the system is to download data from WMS system and transfer it to voice terminals so that realization of chosen process (e.g. picking) in voice system. ibcsVoice co-operates with Vocollect Voice system.
ibcsVoice application, together with voice picking system can be used in distribution warehouses and at logistic operators and wherever the increase of efficiency of time-consuming picking is expected.

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Benefits of voice systems are:
- increasing picking speed(even by 20-30%): faster task accomplishment – reduction of stoppage time,
- minimization of manual processes – automation,
- increase of process accuracy (up to 99,9%) – error minimization through constant eye contact,
- reduction of training time for new workers (even by 50%) – fast training of seasonal workers,
- reduction of operation costs: low failure frequency of devices,
- reduction of costs of administration and quality control,
- improvement of safety: attention focused on task accomplishment,
- no manual or visual disruptions.

ibcsVoice functionality
- picking order completed according to designed course,
- processing orders:browsing, view of order status and its items,
- order grouping and release,
- assigning orders to users or groups of users,
- assigning priorities for orders,
- co-operation with Vocollect voice terminals and VoiceCatalyst® technology,
- archiving registered operations – dedicated reports showing employee’s work.
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How do voice systems work?
Warehouse worker downloads the task to the terminal, then the system ‘leads’ him through stages of the task (e.g. picking positions). Messages containing details of the task are voiced by the system and so are order confirmations, which are also articulated, but this time by a worker after completing the task. Co-operation of voice solution with warehouse worker is based on a dialogue that consists of defined commands. In each moment of the task, the operator can call help function which will read proper help message according to the context.
The dispatcher can analyze the status of the order and introduce necessary corrections on the spot.
Progress of picking process is defined during pre-implementation analysis and adapted to Customer’s needs. Data exchange with WMS system can take place with help of flat files (e.g. CSV), compound files (XML), Internet services (WebService) or indirect database.